Follow This Steps:
1. go to DOS prompt or command promt.
2. go to your USB drive.
3. type "MD autorun.inf" without the qoutes.
4. type "CD autorun.inf" without the quotes.
5. type "COPY CON protect.txt" without the quotes.
6. press enter key
7. press F6
8. press enter key, you should see 1 file(s) copied message.
9. type "ATTRIB +H +R +S protect.txt" without the quotes.
10. type "CD E:\" replace "E:\" to your USB drive. without the quotes.
11. type "ATTRIB +H +R +S autorun.inf" without the quotes.
How does it protects me?
It makes a folder named autorun.inf. A folder that is encrypted, read only and can never be replaced. When a virus strikes, it usually make a folder or a filed named autorun.inf. With this virus can never make a file such. If ever a virus tried to make an "autorun.inf" file. It will deny the access and with that the folder will be visible. If the folder became visible just repeat step 10 and 11.
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