
Friday, May 28, 2010

Protect USB From Viruses

Follow This Steps:

1. go to DOS prompt or command promt.
2. go to your USB drive.
3. type "MD autorun.inf" without the qoutes.
4. type "CD autorun.inf" without the quotes.
5. type "COPY CON protect.txt" without the quotes.
6. press enter key
7. press F6
8. press enter key, you should see 1 file(s) copied message.
9. type "ATTRIB +H +R +S protect.txt" without the quotes.
10. type "CD E:\" replace "E:\" to your USB drive. without the quotes.
11. type "ATTRIB +H +R +S autorun.inf" without the quotes.

How does it protects me?

It makes a folder named autorun.inf. A folder that is encrypted, read only and can never be replaced. When a virus strikes, it usually make a folder or a filed named autorun.inf. With this virus can never make a file such. If ever a virus tried to make an "autorun.inf" file. It will deny the access and with that the folder will be visible. If the folder became visible just repeat step 10 and 11.

Monday, May 10, 2010

Ragnarok Online Skill Spammer

Ragnarok Online Skill Spammer


This is a macro, 

How to use:

-Start the F1-F9 Macro Spammer

-Login to the game.

Now everytime you hit F1, F2, F3...F9,

it will spam the skill, pushing F1 - F9 keys like simultaneously

This is more applicable to private servers with skills reaching like no cast.


Use the F1-F9 Macro Spammer

Go to a server with no cast skills(mostly private servers)

Use a wizard, put Storm Gust to F1

The just hold F1, It will cast Storm Gust Over and Over Again Spamming the skill.


Note: You can scan the file to all of your favorite anti-virus to remove your hesitations =p

Plants Vs Zombies FULL VERSION

Plants Vs Zombies Full Version

Plants vs. Zombies is a tower defense video game developed and published by PopCap Games for Windows. The game involves a homeowner using many varieties of plants to repel an army of zombies. The homeowner, along with a neighbor called Crazy Dave, must defend the homeowner's house during day or night, in the front yard and the backyard (including the swimming pool), and even on the roof. It was released on May 5, 2009 and made available on Steam on the same day . The game received a positive response from critics, and was nominated for multiple Interactive Achievement Awards, alongside receiving praise for its musical score.

Free Download For Windows

Download Plants Vs Zombies FULL VERSION

Note:You can scan it with any anti-virus you have there so you can be worry-free. =p

DzSoft Perl Editor Cracked

DzSoft Perl Editor Free Download

DzSoft Perl Editor is a tool for writing, editing, and debugging Perl/CGI scripts. It has a comfortable and intuitive interface both for beginners and advanced programmers. DzSoft Perl Editor is deceptively simple, but it is really a very powerful tool. It has debugging features, a very comfortable editor with syntax highlighting, a syntax check feature that finds errors in your script, and many other features for easy and comfortable Perl development.

This is already cracked. You can scan it with all of your favorite anti-virus scanners if you want to.

Download DzSoft Perl Editor

Sunday, May 9, 2010

Openkore | pRO Bot Ready

Openkore Bot for pRO

Philippine Ragnarok Online

Openkore is an advanced automated assistant (refer to Internet bot) for the MMORPG Ragnarok Online. The program is Free, Open Source and mainly ...

OpenKore is a roBOTic computer controlled entity (bot) designed for use with the Ragnarok MMORPG with the intention of automated playing and/or ...

pRO set-upped openkore:


Openkore Macro Plugin

Macro Plugin
With this plugin you can predefine command sequences (macros) which are run either manually or by situation-dependent triggers.

Read the readme.txt along:

automacro -
is an automatic trigger for calling your macros.


Macro Manual

Openkore Macro | Party Search Macro

This macro will be triggered when the slave is lost, it will send pm to master and the master will send a command to move to its current location and also the slave sends command to move the master to its current location.
Pros: faster party search, followBot 1 will just set a "meeting point" for both master and slave, but this one,, they will move to each others place, thus meeting them FAST
Cons: when the master is dead and at town, he will still go to the slave even his HP is low, so i use the SIT MACRO below, to ensure that if the master has low hp he wont move until the slave heals him =)

Place this into macros.txt of your slave and master.

slave(usually the priest)
master(the one who will be suported by the slave)

Macro Code:

For Slave

######FIND MASTER###############
#find master
automacro findMaster {
timeout 3
console /^I lost my master/
call {
$master = @config (followTarget)
do pm "$master" x $.map $.pos
automacro findMaster2 {
timeout 3
console /^Calculating route to find master/
call {
$master = @config (followTarget)
do pm "$master" x $.map $.pos
#goto master
automacro gotoMaster {
pm /x (.*) (.*) (.*)/
call {
$pm = $.lastpm
if ($pm != $master) stop
do move $.lastMatch1 $.lastMatch2 $.lastMatch3
#when master is found
automacro foundMaster {
console /^Found my master!/
call {
do pm "$master" clear

For Master

########FIND SLAVE#####################
#slave is lost
automacro findSlave {
pm /x (.*) (.*) (.*)/
call {
$slavemap = $.lastMatch1
$slavemapx = $.lastMatch2
$slavemapy = $.lastMatch3
$mymap = $.map
if ($slavemap == $mymap) goto findslave
do pm "$.lastpm" x $.map $.pos
do pm "$.lastpm" x $.map $.pos
do move $slavemap $slavemapx $slavemapy
#when slave is found
automacro clear {
pm /clear/
call {
do eval AI::clear("move", "route");